Here you will find the Square Dance Callers, Round Dance Cuers, and Clogging Instructors / Cuers that will be on the stage at the festival. this is a list that will grow over the next months, so please keep checking back!!!!
Square Dance Callers

Glenn Raiha
Calls thru Plus
I started calling in 1977. I called for the 22 years Nancy and I were in the U.S. Army (22 years). Today I teach an call at Lac-A-Do Hall in Olympia WA. I occasionally travel to call dances in different parts of Washington. I am a member of Callerlab since 1977 and serve on the Basic Mainstream Committee. My favorite activity as a caller is teaching people how to dance. I am this years Caller Coordinator, so if you have any complaints about the program please let me know.

Gary Baker
Calls Basic & Mainstream
Gary began dancing in Spokane in 1975 and began calling in Eagle River, AK in 1993. Gary is the club caller/teacher for the Model T Squares in Spokane and also teaches in CDA, ID. He travels to call throughout east and central WA, north ID, and west MT. Gary and wife Tami enjoy RV traveling to dance & play with their 2 grandsons.

David Boggs
Calls Basic & Mainstream
David is a 25 year veteran of calling square dances and 50 years of dancing. He primarily calls in Central Washington. David currently call for the Tri-city Circulators and the Huron Squares of Alpina Michigan (Via Zoom). He makes regular appearances at the Yakima Gateswingers and the Cascade Twirlers, as well as teaching for the Prairie Shufflers.

Ray Brendzy
Calls thru Challenge
Ray was born and raised in Vancouver, BC. He was dragged to his first dance by his parents and he quickly began his calling career, which has continued for almost 60 years. He is married to
Christine and they have two children, Nicholas and Caitlyn, and the entire family are active in the square dance movement. Ray was a teacher and administrator with the Vancouver School
Board for 37 years. Christine has just retired from teaching after a 37-year career, and Nicholas and Caitlyn are both in the teaching field, and they call and cue as well. The Brendzy’s are truly a
Square Dance family and are great ambassadors for our activity. Ray currently calls for five clubs and dances at the two clubs his children call and cue for. The Brendzy’s often travel as a family to dance events and enjoy sharing the stage and presenting some great harmony. Ray
calls from SSD to C3B and he has traveled throughout Canada and the United States. He has also called in Japan, England, Germany, and Sweden. When he was in the classroom, Ray enjoyed teaching Grade 7 and he incorporated square dance into his school every year,
organizing an afternoon of dance event for the community. He gave workshops in his school district to fellow teachers on professional days for many years. Ray has been retired from teaching for the past 7years, and this has allowed him to devote more time to the promotion of his favorite activity. Ray is a member of CallerLab, and serves as a member of the Board of Governors. He is the Chair of the Advanced Committee and participates on the Mainstream, Plus, Challenge, and Definitions Committees. Ray hopes that by contributing in a leadership role, he can help keep Square Dancing alive around the world. He records for Lou Mac records, and enjoys his time in the recording studio. Ray loves traveling, hiking, dancing, skiing, and travelling in their trailer.Since Christine has just retired, they plan on enjoying dancing and calling around the world.

Nicholas Brendzy
Calls thru Plus
Nicholas is no stranger to square dancing. He called his first singing call at age three, much to everyoneโs surprise, and has continued to call ever since! Over the years, he attended the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance festival where he successfully competed in square dancing, calling, cueing and round dancing. Nicholas has won
many awards for his abilities, and he continues to be an active promoter of the square dance movement.
Nicholas has a degree in History and Archeology, is currently working on a master program in academic leadership. He is a teacher and completed a year teaching a grade five and six class. He enjoys his choice of careers, which greatly helps him when teaching dance. Nicholas currently calls and cues two nights per week for the Circle 8s Square Dance Club of Burnaby. He enjoys sharing the stage with his sister and father, and together they make a family trio, which is amazing to hear. Square and round dancing has allowed Nicholas to travel all over the continent and share the stage with his family. He is taking on a leadership role in the square dance movement, and is working hard to increase the number of dancers in his area and keep this wonderful activity alive. Nicholas is proud to be a recording artist for Rawhide Records.

Leo Catt
Calls thru Plus
Leo started dancing at a young age with the Sociable Squares and the Sumner Stompers in the 70’s and 80’s. Leo’s first calling experience was doing a singing call in front of Hank Johnson as a class joke. He started learning to call in years later and joined Callerlab in 2005. Leo is proud to be the founder of 2 clubs: Swingnuts (Sumner, WA) and Crazy 8โs (Ramona, CA). He is the current club caller for the Jetsteppers (Maple Valley, WA).
Leo frequently teaches and calls Basic thru Plus for clubs around Seattle, Olympia area and sometimes in Oregon. He loves spending time with his wife Rochelle and his 2 dogs Molly and Blackberry (BB). Be sure to stop and say hello!!

Adam Christman
Calls thru Advanced
Adam has been around square and round dancing all his life. He has been calling for 28 years in 3 different countries and several states around the country. Currently, Adam resides in Spokane, WA with his wife, Samantha, and 4 beautiful children.

Larry Clark
Calls thru Plus
Larry Became a Caller in 2008, primarily he teaches and calls for the Prairie Shufflers in Kennewick, Washington. He has called at State Festivals and the Spokane National.

Tom Clymer
Calls thru Plus
Tom started calling in 1975. He calls and teaches Mainstream for the Appleland Promenaders and the The Plus Bunch. Tom has been a Callerlab member since the 1980’s. Tom and his Wife are the current Parker Award recipients.

Scott Coon
Calls thru Plus
Scott calls for Dudes & Dolls (Lynnwood, WA) and guest calls for clubs in the Puget Sound area. Scott began calling as a teen at PNTSDF and then regularly in 2004. Scott met his wife, Darcy, square-dancing as teens and they’ve enjoyed it ever since. Scott also performs as Elvis in tribute shows and Elvis themed dances.

Andy Garboden
Calls thru Plus
Andy started calling in 2006. He currently calls for for the Pi-R Squares (Mainstream) MVPs (Maple Valley Plus). So far, Andy has called in 13 states. Andy enjoys dancing with his wife, Tricia and occasionally calls with his daughter, Tiffany Richard.

Oren Gaskill
Calls Basic & Mainstream
Oren began Calling in 2003 after attending Cascade Callers College. He is the Associate Caller for Rainbow Squares in Mt Baker Council, Oren has called at several State Festivals and National Conventions in addition to taking leadership roles in Clubs, Councils, and State and National Committees.

Paul Gonseth
Calls thru Plus
Paul Teaches and Calls in the Yakima area. He has been calling since 2015 and teaching square dancers since 2016 for the Blue Agates and Gateswingers.

Dave Harry
Calls Basic & Mainstream
Dave has been calling since age 13. He teaches square dancing in the schools around the Puget Sound area, the Whirlybirds in Lynnwood, and Skagit Squares. He and his wife Bonnie are widely known for their dance shopโPetticoat Junction, for occasional live music performances, and monthly no-experience dancesโthe First Friday Funfest at Whirlybirds. He is a Callerlab member and has his 50-year recognition certificate. Dave has a never-ending passion for square dancing!

Melissa James
Calls Basic & Mainstream
Melissa James began calling in June of 2019 after attending her first calling school with Jerry Story. She calls around Oregon and Washington doing guest tips and dances. Melissa also teaches line dancing and has been apart of several festivals for lines and squares. Melissa is attending her third State Festival this year.

Brett Kappenman
Calls thru Plus
Brett has been calling for 38 years and has served as President and Treasurer of several clubs since he started dancing. He currently serves as the President of Central Puget Sound Council, Treasurer of Northwest Callers and Corresponding Secretary for the Square and Folk Dance Federation of Washington. He has been the sound chairperson for 5 Washington State Square and Folk Dance Federation Festivals including Redmond, Enumclaw, Everett, Puyallup and most recently Suquamish. He will once again serve as sound chairperson for the 2024 Washington Washington State Square and Folk Dance Federation Festival to be held in Yakima Washington.

Rob Krum
Calls thru Plus
Rob has been married for 54 years and is retired. He has 2 children and 4 grandchildren
Rob lives in the Spokane area and has been calling for 33 years including 3 mainstream clubs Monday – Wednesday with a plus group on Mondays.

Bill Lundin
Calls Basic and Mainstream
Bill, Linda and family learned to square dance in Spokane in 1980. Bill started calling with the Dixie Chain Gang a youth club in the Spokane Valley. We have lived and Bill has been a Club Caller for many Adult and Youth Clubs in Washington. It is amazing to see the benefits of our activity to the dancers and their communities.

Brent Mawdsley
Calls thru Plus
Brent, his wife Therese, are from Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Since 1988, Brent has called and cued two to four nights per week, and currently
calls for three clubs, one of them for over 36 years.
Brent has been the featured caller for dance weekends and special events
throughout BC & the Western US and regularly entertains community groups with
introductions to modern square dancing.
He is a staff caller with Riverboat Square Dance Music and has made over 30
When he’s not calling, Brent works full time as Business Development Manager,
for Activation Laboratories, a global mineral testing company.

Steve Mazel
Calls thru Plus
I have been calling for 10 years and call for both the Gig Harbor twirlers (Ghorst) and Young bunch, (Tacoma WA). Call through plus, have recorded five songs with R&D Recording and TOTL Recording.

Stephen Noseck
Calls thru Advanced
Steve has called dances for over 45 years. He calls all dance programs. Steve is the 2021 Parker Award Recipient and leads dance vacations around the PNW and Canada. Steve is married to his beautiful Leslie, and has a fantastic dog, Bella.

Lee Rawls
Calls thru Challenge (C1)
Lee and his wife, Shanthala are relatively new to square dancing. Both of them now dance, and routinely calls, thru the Challenge (C1) program. Lee and Shanthala They have happily incorporate dancing in their lives. You will find them calling and teaching square dancing whenever possible.

Robert Sax
Calls Basic & Mainstream
Robert has square danced for 50 years and finally picked up a microphone in 2019. I am currently the club caller/teacher for Fern Bluff Squares in Lake Stevens, Washington

Daron Tandberg
Calls thru Plus
Daron has been square dancing for 52 years and calling 27 years and called club programs for the Wagon Wheelers (Yakima), Blue Agates (Ellensburg) and Gateswingers (Yakima). He has attended and called at numerous state, USA West, and National Conventions over the years since being a caller.

Greg Weber
Calls thru Plus
Greg and Sue Weber have been a featured Caller / Cuer team at numerous local, council, state, regional, national and international dances, cruises, and festivals. Greg has been involved with every Washington state festival since 1975 and six national conventions. Sue and Greg are avid supporters of the area teen clubs which participate in the Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival.
Round Dance Cuers

Daniel Bailey
Ph II Thru VI
Dan cues for the star shooters and wag-arounds Clubs. He is a member of the Spokane Callers and Cuer Association, Round A-Lab & ICBDA and has served in various Club capacities most recently as the Washington State Cuer coordinator. Dan and Wife, Linda, teach rounds through IV. We look forward to seeing everyone at this year’s State Festival.

Sharon Boggs
Sharon has been a Round Dance Cuer for 17 years. She currently cues for the Tri-city Circulators. Sharon has also made appearances at two national conventions, one USA West and many other events.

Caitlyn Brendzy
Caitlyn has been square dancing for as long as she can remember. She joined a youth club when she was five, and has been dancing ever since! Caitlyn has been very involved in the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival, and she has been a competitor as well as an instructor for the club. She has successfully competed in square dancing, calling, cueing, and round dancing. Caitlyn has won many awards for
her efforts, and she has used the skills she has gained to help her promote square and round dancing in her community.
Caitlyn has graduated from university with a degree in Early Childhood Education, and she is currently working and volunteering in this field. She cues for four square dance clubs, and is the co-instructor for the Circle 8s Square Dance Club of Burnaby. Caitlyn enjoys calling with her family, and she can frequently be found performing singing calls with her dad and brother. She enjoys traveling the world with her family, and is always
willing to offer her assistance to dancers who are trying to improve their technique.

Rochelle Catt
Ph II Thru V
Rochelle started Cuing rounds in 2013. She Currently cues for the Jetsteppers in Maple Valley, DosiDo’s in Olympia and several other clubs. Rochelle is the current Cuer Coordinator for the Yakima convention and will continue in 2025

Shawn Cavness
Ph II Thru VI
Shawn and Wendy Cavness are from Auburn Washington. They have been married for 30 years and they have been dancing since they were teenagers. Besides teaching in both Olympia and Bremerton, they Cue for the Sweetheart Rounds in Bremerton, Round-A-Bouts in Olympia, Sky Valley Whirlwinds Square dance club in Mill Creek and Dudes and Dolls Square dance club in Lynnwood.

Alyshia Main
2022 Alyshia completed round lessons. In October of 2023 her mentor, Karen Neverdowski, started introducing her to the idea of cueing and assisting with lessons. Alyshia began cueing in January of 2024. With the guidance and leadership from her mentor, she has been assisting with teaching and cueing for the Or-bets Round Dance Club. Although she is new to cueing, she has a passion for dancing, and for people. She is a member of Roundalab and is excited to be part of the dance community.

Katie Marteny
Katie competed in the Pacific Northwest Teen Square And Round Dance festival by cueing rounds and calling square dances. She lives in Portland, Oregon where she attends college and has filled in at many clubs for dances that they have needed

Mary Parsons
Ph II thru V
Mary began cueing in 2003 working with Ron Woolcock. Her first club was the Salty Sasheyers in Shelton, Washington. Mary and her husband Scott moved to Anchorage, Alaska for five years where they cued and taught rounds. Mary and Scott Currently cue and teach at Lac-A-Do Hall in Olympia for the Roundabouts, Flutterwheels, and Square One Plus Club.

Joe Scarlatella
Ph II thru IV
Joe has been square dancing and round dancing since he was a teenager, and started helping his sister teach rounds back in 1973. He started cueing and teaching in 2009 in Southern California. He and his wife (and teaching partner) Monica have recently relocated to Western Washington and are looking forward to many joyful years with our new dance communities.

Sue Weber
Ph II thru IV
A Native of Spokane, WA. Sue began cueing in 1987. She relocated to Tacoma, WA in 1991 and started dating her future husband Greg Weber, who was calling and cueing for several clubs at the time. She then took on the cueing role for those clubs. Greg and Sue were married in 1998, and have two beautiful daughters, ages 23 and 20. Sue currently cues for four clubs in the Rainier Council (Spinners, Bonnie Lads & Lassies, Young Bunch and Roamin’ Tacomans).

Ronald Woolcock
Ph II thru VI
Ron and Georgine Woolcock started dancing in 1986 in Spokane Washington and moved to Olympia Washington. They began cueing in 1996 and teaching in 1997. They are currently retired from cueing and teaching for local clubs (Lazy Daisy, Grand Squares, Flutterwheels, Roundabouts, Salty Shashayers) but have been spending their winter in Pharr Texas where they teach and cue.
Ron and Georgine Woolcock started dancing in 1986 in Spokane Washington and moved to Olympia Washington. They began cueing in 1996 and teaching in 1997. They are currently retired from cueing and teaching for local clubs (Lazy Daisy, Grand Squares, Flutterwheels, Roundabouts, Salty Shashayers) but have been spending their winter in Pharr, Texas where they teach and cue.
Clogging Instructors and Cuers

Taj Alex
I started cueing in 2023 so we could start a local clogging group in Kent. Clippity-Clop Gloggers dances on Wed evenings at the Meridian Grange, 6 PM for easy-level up to easy-intermediate. I’m fortunate enough to have Diane Jacbosen as a mentor. She helps us with intermediate dances starting around 8 some nights.
I’m excited to learn more and build my knowledge and am thankful for all the support I’ve received from other cuers and dancers!
Come see us!

Mary Dart
Mary Dart has been clogging 41 years and teaching 34. She teaches for the Tanglefoot Cloggers in Olympia, Washington. Mary has also been the President, Vice President, and Historian of the PNW Clogging Association. Mary has been and continues to be the Clogging Chair for the State festivals and hopefully will continue in that role. Mary has also been involved on the national level for many years, including being tapped for the Spokane Festival that was cancelled due to the COVID pandemic.

Mike McDow
Mike McDow has been Clogging 42 years and teaching 40 years. Mike hails from the Portland area and is now retired and teach in Arizona during the winter. Mike also dances, teaches, and cues with the local Northwest with local Northwest cloggers.

Mary Gasteiger
Mary began clogging in 1991 with her daughter and began teaching in 1993 under the mentorship of LaVon Thorp. She currently teaches in Southern California at two locations, San Marcos and Murrieta. She has been known to do routines which require all steps to be done with a right AND a left foot leadโฆ and then for our final dance through to be contra just for laughs. She teaches for the love of people and the activity.